Lilac Twilight



Face in the Ashes

It’s been a long time since you left me
Left me alone, left me to weep and cry
It’s been a long time since you left me:
You’re gone, and I’ll never know why.

But I still see your face in the ashes
and I still hear your voice in the smoke-filled cloud -
but your laughter sounds hollow
and I will not follow
your way through the veil - I won’t pass the shroud.

I wander that path down the valley
Walk down that path that often we’ve walked before
I wander that path down the valley:
It isn’t my vale anymore.

But I still see your eyes in the fire
and I still hear your call in the thunderstorm
but your gaze is all frozen,
to live I have chosen:
your hands feel so cold, and I want to keep warm.

I lay down to sleep in the evening
Lay down to sleep, lay down to wake and rise
I lay down to sleep in the evening
Your world is one step from me eyes.

And I still feel your breath on my pillow
and I still feel your hands close around my neck
but though you are still crying
as daylight is dieing:
You can take my life, but you can’t take me back

Das Lied mit Akkorden als PDF

Text und Melodie © 2002 by Thesilée
Download the Song with chords as a PDF-file

tune and lyrics © 2002 by Thesilée

Sprache: Deutsch
Language: English