Lilac Twilight

Deutsche Balladen

German Ballads

Englische Balladen

English Ballads

Lady Tree

Down in the ground beneath the roots of yonder tree
her bones lie buried deep, for no man’s eyes to see…
He would not love her half as much as he loved gold,
and she would never do whatever she was told:
He had to kill her, that’s one thing he won’t regret:
No one will find her in her earthen bed.

Tree, tree, Lady Tree,
- hide my secret where none may seek it -
Tree, tree, Lady Tree
- grow my shape for all to see!

The years went by, and yet the lady found no rest -
Killed by the man whom in her life she’d loved the best.
Her spirit touched the tree that grew upon her grave:
If not for justice, then for vengeance she did grave.
The years went by and by, and as the tree did grow,
the lady’s features it would start to show.

Tree, tree, Lady Tree,
- hide my secret where none may seek it -
Tree, tree, Lady Tree
- grow my shape for all to see!

And then his friends would come and talk about the tree:
»Is it not strange? The thing looks like a girl to me.«
»Her shapes and features just reming me of Madeleyne.«
»Ain’t it a pitty that she’s no where to be seen…«
He listened helplessly, afraid that they could know:
O that deceitful tree would have to go!

Tree, tree, Lady Tree,
- hide my secret where none may seek it -
Tree, tree, Lady Tree
- grow my shape for all to see!

He rose next day, that night had brought no sleep, no rest:
To knock that tree right down would simply be the best!
But when he reached the spot where once the grave had been
there was no trunk, no tree - sheer nothing to be seen.
He froze in horror, cruel fear took o’er his mind.
Than hands of leaves would reach out from behind…

Tree, tree, Lady Tree,
- hide my secret where none may seek it -
Tree, tree, Lady Tree
- grow my shape for all to see!
- grow my shape for all to see!
- grow my shape and set me free

Das Lied mit Akkorden als PDF

Text und Melodie © 2003 by Thesilée
Download the Song with chords as a PDF-file

tune and lyrics © 2003 by Thesilée

Sprache: Deutsch
Language: English